Blueprint for Persistence

Research to Action: 
Stop Drop Enroll! & Blueprint for Persistence

The Alliance seeks to increase pathways to and through college and career. The Stop Drop Enroll! research has led partners to develop the Blueprint for Persistence - a collective action plan to implement changes based on our findings. 

Collective Support

In January North Hennepin Community College, Hennepin Technical College and the Brooklyn Bridge Alliance for Youth voted in support of the Blueprint for Persistence; a collective action plan to increase student completion and persistence at Hennepin Technical College and North Hennepin Community College. There are 6 blueprint goals developed based on the Stop Drop Enroll! findings.

Blueprint Goals:
  1. Mobilize Students, Administrators, and Faculty to Design, Build, and Implement Student-Centered Scheduling
  2. Create a Culture of Teaching and Learning That Is Culturally Responsive
  3. Develop and Leverage Partnerships to Increase Access to Opportunities for Students to Meet Their Needs and Goals 
  4. Consistent Advising, Tutoring, and Navigation Support for All Students
  5. Bring Students, Staff, and Faculty Together to Continually Identify Blocks and Build Process Solutions Together 
  6. Expand Intentional Communication, Engagement, and Involvement with Students 

Evaluating our work together

Alliance staff have been working with our college partners to evaluate the work we’ve completed in the past several years. Existing reports, updates, and college evaluations were gathered to provide the task force with a summary and focus groups and interviews were completed to explore the systems changes observed: what worked, what didn’t work and why, what can we most celebrate, what did we learn that shapes what direction we go next, etc. This evaluation will be included in our strategic planning effort.

Task Force Focus: Blueprint Pilot Projects 

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