Youth OnBoard

Youth OnBoard 

 Equity through youth voice, leadership and participation at decision making tables

“Including youth in decision making is essential to developing policies, programs and solutions that have positive lasting impacts. It also encourages youth to build leadership skills, expand their networks of resources and opportunities and become engaged members of their communities. Youth also bring open minds not bogged down by past conventions, their voices add the authenticity, optimism, energy, and creativity needed to develop innovative, culturally appropriate solutions.” - City of Brooklyn Center Mayor April Graves, BBAY Chair

“Diverse perspectives make for better solutions, and involving the voices of those who would otherwise be subjects of the conversation, matters. The time and place for youth voice is here and now, and our board is better for it.” - County Commissioner Jeff Lunde, BBAY Vice-Chair

Our Challenge

There are not a lot of opportunities for young people to be apart of decision making that impacts their lives. Having young people present in leadership or co-leadership positions is rare, but a crucial part of solving the challenges that face our communities. 

Our Solution

Youth OnBoard will identify commissions, advisories and committees where decisions are made that impact youth. This program matches young adults, aged 14-24, with leadership opportunities that allow them to become emerging community leaders. This program will also provide inclusion training for adults and on-boarding training for emerging leaders so they can effectively engage and provide input that strengthens decision making in our community.  

How will this benefit our Emerging Leaders? 

It builds leadership, social and emotional skills that increase their employability. Our leaders will better understand how systems work and how they can civically engage throughout their lives. This program will also expand their employment social network and serve their community. 

How will this benefit organizations involved? 

This program expands diversity at multiple levels of each organization, but is especially important at decision making tables. By engaging with Youth OnBoard, your organization will advance their diversity, equity and inclusion goals. Participating in inclusive decision making will yield better results and create opportunities for engagement that can lead to a pipeline of engaged employees.  

How do I get connected? 

If you are a young adult looking to join Youth OnBoard as an emerging leader, click on the button for youth above to apply now! If you are an organization looking to expand your decision-making tables to include youth, click on the button for organizations above to apply now!

Any questions? Feel free to contact Layne Benton or Julie Richards

Currently available

For emerging leaders that are between ages 18 - 24

  • Budget Advisory Commission
  • Planning Commission
  • Human Rights Commission
  • Recreation and Parks Advisory Commission

For emerging leaders that are age 14+

  • Recreation and Parks Advisory Commission Youth Liaison

Youth Director

For emerging leaders ages 18-24

We are currently recruiting four emerging leaders to sit and participate on our Board of Directors to help direct the work at the BBAY.

*Youth Director position open now, for Nov 1st.

*3 Youth Director positions open now, for Dec 1st.


We are currently working on finalizing table partners with the City of Brooklyn Center.


We are currently working on finalizing table partners with Hennepin County.

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